Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tamarind Bay Coastal Indian Kitchen: Indian Flavors, from the Sea

Seafood might not spring to mind when you think of Indian cuisine.  Chicken tikka masala, sure. Lentils? Yep. Tandoori? Of course. But seafood?

Why not? India's coastline stretches some 4600-odd miles along the Arabian and Laccadive Seas, and, in the Eastern part of the country, the Bay of Bengal.  Thousands of harbor towns, as well as the major cities of Chennai and Mumbai, are right on the water. Once we Bostonians reconcile the fact that there are more options than the Maine-style dipped-in-butter preparation, Indian seafood isn't the oxymoron it might first appear.
Read the rest of this review on the Brookline Patch...


  1. Never really tried Indian food but this review made want to give it a whirl. Fantastic reporting. Your food reviews are excellent. You should do this for a living. OH, when is the cookbook coming out?
